Wellsville Fire Company

Fire Call Log
2/1 - Warrington Twp. - Chimney Fire

Fire Police Call Log
2/1 - South Middleton Twp. - Traffic Control for Transformer Fire

2025 Incidents
Jan 47
Total 47

Past Incidents
2024 347
2023 344
2022 367
2021 371
2020 311
2019 349
2018 355
2017 251
2016 234
2015 226
2014 173
2013 208
2012 160
2011 235
2010 184
Total 4115

Web Counters
Website Visitors
September 11, 2012
Visitors Today
Feb 07, 2025


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Signed on March 20, 2020 at 8:54 AM
Name: Neal

I don't see a link to your facebook page on the site?


We will have to get that added, not sure how we missed it. Thanks for asking.

Signed on March 15, 2020 at 10:26 AM
Name: Dan day
Location: Wellsville

It's great having a virtual gun raffle but what about the food ? While I understand this decision....why not postpone like dover for later date ...most people dont all expect to win but getting out socializing and having a meal was part of the $25...just a thought

Thank you for contacting us. Please believe we did not make this decision lightly. We had to weigh the pros and cons of everything including the rest of our upcoming schedule, the availability of the gentleman providing the guns (and his schedule) among many other factors including the uncertainty of if/when we would be able to do it in the future and if we picked a date and then had to change it a 3rd time.

Signed on January 11, 2020 at 12:22 PM
Name: Seba
Web Address: millennio.eu

Nice website, good job!

Signed on November 06, 2019 at 12:15 AM
Name: Sam
Web Address: designfeu.com

Thank you so much for your service and all you do for our community!

Signed on July 14, 2017 at 2:22 AM
Name: Glenda L. Blair
Rank/Title: Member of Citizens Fire and Rescue, Mechanicsburg, PA.
Location: Mechanicsburg, PA.

I just popped on your website to see when your Carnival is going to be.

I would like to compliment you on the great updated website. I have found most fire companies do not update their sites; as regularly as they should. KUDOS to you!!!! You have a fabulous site.

I have never been to your Carnival, but have wanted to come for some time. From the pictures I looked at; it appears to look a little like Jubilee Day in Mechanicsburg, from the pictures of the crowds.

Good luck again this year. Hope to make it down.


Glenda L. Blair
Former Membership Secretary and
Hall Rental Person

Signed on March 12, 2015 at 10:53 AM
Name: Bonnie Ritter

Hi All,

I just want to remind you of the dinner to be held in your honor at Calvary United Methodist Church on April 18th and to tell you that the deadline for responding to the invitation has been moved to Aril 4th. Thank you for all you do for the comminuty and we hope to see you there at 6:00pm on the 18th!

Bonnie Ritter

Signed on January 03, 2015 at 1:43 PM
Name: Bill Stamm
Location: lebanon

Just curious, are you having the fishing flea market this year?

Signed on November 02, 2013 at 10:07 PM
Name: Donna and Denny Zufall

We will start with the honey because you all work so hard to make sure everyone is happy and has a good time for the Lucky Number Club. For that we thank you! Sorry but now for the vinegar. We believe that you active members should certainly have some perks for all your hard work but when we waited in line to get in for 45 minutes, go out to the garage where there are only three people sitting at tables but the majority of the seats are already saved and only two people that saved seats in the garage were in line ahead of us something is wrong. Denny who is in a wheelchair could not even get an end seat. If there hadn't been some seats available on the side over by the beer he would have had no place to sit at a table. Now yes if we wait in line and come in and save seats for the people we sold 28 tickets to that should be allowed because we came early and waited a long time to be the first in the door so our group could sit together but when you do that, get in there and the seats are already reserved by people who are not helping with the feed and did not wait in line it's just not right.

Signed on October 12, 2013 at 11:11 PM
Name: Denny and Donna Zufall
Location: United States

Thanks to everyone for your hard work for a very nice evening tonight for the NASCAR event. Everyone liked the food, were happy with being able to watch the race in the garage and getting done in good time and just for being nice, fun people to hang out with.

Signed on October 10, 2013 at 8:32 PM
Name: Julie Myers

My husband and I brought our young grand daughter to your open house on Thursday night and I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of the fireman and all other volunteers who worked so hard to provide our community and our kids a wonderful, fun and educational evening. Despite the weather, we were treated to an exciting ride in the truck, some yummy food, some awesome treats and treasures and an all around fun family evening. Thank you all so much!

Signed on August 22, 2013 at 2:43 PM
Name: Dawn

Great year for another carnival weather was beautiful and attendance was great. Everybody that helps to volunteer does a remarkable job to make this carnival what it is today. Only thing it would be nice to post on website the winners of your drawing on Saturday evening.

Signed on June 07, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Name: Ivan

Good job!!....looks professional...; )...great website!

Signed on February 04, 2013 at 1:35 AM
Name: Bob Watts
Rank/Title: Emt-B.
Location: SouthWesten York County

Great websight for a great community serving organization. Look forward to seeing you all at the fishing flea market..

Signed on January 08, 2013 at 6:53 PM
Name: William Nailor
Rank/Title: New Years Party

This was my wife and I's first time attending the Wellsville Fire Companies New Years party and we had an incredible time with our friends that invited us. We look forward to next years party!

Signed on January 04, 2013 at 2:50 PM
Name: Jaci Thoman
Web Address: www.thomansllc.com
Location: East Berlin PA

This is the 2nd year that we have gone to the new year's eve comedy show. It certainly didn't disappoint. Last year we brough two friends along and this year we brough 6. We all had a ton of fun. It's nice to be able to go to an event close to home where you can really have a lot of fun. Keep up the good work! Keep me in mind for door prizes next year and if you need help in planning or advertising, we can certainly give you a hand. We can put up a flyer in our store and even sell tickets so people have a physical place to go get them vs. calling and leaving a message.

Signed on November 03, 2012 at 10:12 PM
Name: Denny and Donna Zufall
Location: United States

The Lucky Numbers Club this evening was very nice. Everyone thought the food was great, drawings on time, everyone that works the feed is so nice and a lot of fun. Congrats on a job well done and thank you for a nice evening.

Signed on October 30, 2012 at 8:02 PM
Name: Tim Trump
Rank/Title: FP Capt & FP Lt

Just wanted to say Hello and very nice web site. Sure is nice to see photos of people you know enjoying themselves and volunteering for their community. It is also nice that all the local companies work together so well in the time of need. Thanks again.

Signed on September 26, 2012 at 2:34 PM
Name: Heather

God Bless all of you for protecting our quaint town. We moved to Wellsville in large part because of the community it offered our children. And the fire company is one of the best things in the community. Thank you all for your time and effort.

Signed on August 24, 2012 at 10:04 AM
Name: Jan Trump

I want to say that the members of WFC are fantastic. Last weekend was not good for me & I am so proud of the way that everyone stepped up and helped out in the area that I was responsible for. The "family" at WFC is an outstanding group. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of it.

Signed on August 15, 2012 at 8:51 AM
Name: Dean Trump
Rank/Title: President and FP Capt - WFC
Location: Wellsville, PA

Just wanted to put something out here to show everyone what it looks like. Thanks for checking out the new website and providing your comments. Firehouse Solutions is working extremely well with us and are working very hard to get the website the way we want it.

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Wellsville Fire Company
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Wellsville, PA 17365

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E-mail: info@wellsvillefire.com
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